Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Monday Jun 18, 2018
97 - Mirna & Latoya Uncensored
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Note: This episode includes explicit content including profanity and body language terminology that may be considered inappropriate in a public setting or around children. Use your own discretion when listening.
Meet two barrier-breakers who have this little thing called MOMENTUM. Latoya Snell aka Running Fat Chef & Mirna Valerio aka The Mirnavator are champions of health and fitness in their chosen sports. They have both gravitated to the world of endurance sports, specifically ultrarunning, obstacle racing and anything that pushes them out of their comfort zones. Here's why they stand out. They are women (fewer women participate in these sports). They are black (the black population is not well-represented in endurance sports in the USA). They are plus size athletes. The latter is what often turns people's heads and makes them think twice about what they are actually capable of.
They have both become symbols of "what could be" for many people who struggle to see beyond the edge of the couch due to their life circumstances. They have also both been criticized and heckled and told they should just give up. Yet they keep pushing their perceived boundaries and proving that they CAN, not the other way around.
Today we have a rousing conversation about:
How we're all nuts
Pushing boundaries
Being afraid of our own success
How people project their fears on others
Weight loss
The mental side of conquering barriers
Embracing the suck
Lady problems
Chafing in areas you didn't know you had
This episode is fun, deep and raunchy. Everything you need to get you through your long run. Plus you get TWO final nuggets to ponder, so be sure to listen to the end! As always, please forward this episode to a friend who needs it and take a moment to write a review wherever you listen to podcasts! All right then, you know what time it is! It's time to get out there and Run This World! Have a great workout and I'll see you next week!

Monday Jun 11, 2018
96 - Samantha Reilly is About to Run 100 Miles
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Meet Samantha Reilly one of the most energetic, excited, positive women on the planet. On June 23, 2018, she will attempt her first 100-mile run at the legendary Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run. The kicker? She's only 26 years old and this isn't her first rodeo. Sam ran her first 100-miler at age 22. She's been hooked on running since she was a young kid watching the Atlanta Olympics.
Sam is interesting not only because she loves running really long distances so young but because she is so open about her journey at a time in life when many people are insecure and floundering. She will freely admit that she may be insecure and floundering herself, but she is self-aware of the process she is going through. She doesn't put on airs or try to be someone she's not. She's open to new experiences that push her out of her comfort zone and she makes everyone around her feel like they also want to dig deep and try new things, if only to experience a touch of the positive energy that radiates off her.
Today we talk about:
Running young: how running created both insecurities (eating issues) and confidence at the same time
Running as an outlet for troubles at home
The power of someone who actually listens
Depression as a young woman: how being active helped her cope
Coaching: this could be Sam's calling - a way to give back
What it's like to exist on "the bridge"
Samantha is someone who I can only describe as having the world at her fingertips. She is on the edge of greatness, and every day I can see that she understands her amazing potential as she gives in to the process of growth in life. I love her final nugget, "Kindness always wins." It really doesn't get much more true than that! So when in doubt, choose kindness.
Thanks for tuning in today! As always, reach out to me with feedback, suggestions and more. And be sure to write a review on whatever medium you use to listen to this podcast. Now get out there and Run This World! Have a great workout and I'll see you next week.

Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Meet Clare Gallagher - renowned ultrarunner with several major wins including the 2nd fastest female time ever at the 2016 Leadville 100 mile race, first American to win the CC Ultra Marathon in the Alps in 2017, and more. The truly amazing thing is that she did all of this in the few short years after she graduated from Princeton in 2014! Yes – she is one of the fastest-rising athletes I’ve ever known. Think about it. It took me 10 years to win an Ironman! The really amazing thing about Clare is her depth. She is so much more than an athlete. She has a passion for doing the right thing by our planet and she has crafted a career to include sponsors and events that allow her to focus on this platform.
It’s funny, I interviewed Clare just an hour after my daughter Wilder’s Kindergarten graduation. I was of course totally emotional as the little 6 year olds sang songs about their wide open futures. And I was thinking about what kind of girl I hope wilder will be. Then Clare walked up. Literally walked up. We didn’t realize that she lives about 8 houses away from me! I looked at her and thought – her parents must be so proud. She is so strong and clear minded. I hope I can craft a future for Wilder that allows her to find strength and clarity of mind too.
Today we talk about:
Growing up as an "adventurer" in her own backyard
Ballet, yes, ballet :)
Injuries: how they stop when you stop depriving your body
Celiac disease
Overcoming self-doubt
Ultrarunning & saving the planet: How they go hand in hand
Valuing health over everything
Bucket lists
There are lots of gems in this one that we can take away as people, as parents, and as humans who walk this precious earth. I love the basic truth that Clare explains so simply, “Value your health over everything.” That’s the key folks. Our health is our ticket to happiness. Yes age happens, bodies change, things happen outside of our control, but if we prioritize the things we can control to prioritize our health, we have a better chance of happiness. I also love Clare’s passion for our planet. Her final nugget is so cool. I’m working on it right now for myself and Wilder: Make a list of the places you want to go this summer and start ticking them off. You will discover beauty you didn’t realize was there. So let’s get on it and make our bucket lists! Check out the post on Skirt Sports facebook page about this episode. Post your bucket list and we’ll give away a $25 gift cert to one of you!

Wednesday May 23, 2018
94 - Rose Wetzel Embraces the Starting Line
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Rose Wetzel is a runner, Spartan athlete & American Ninja Warrior participant. She ran at Georgetown, then pursued elite running post college until she got into Spartan racing and became one of the best Spartan athletes in the world. A couple years ago she started appearing on the American Ninja Warrior show. And then in the middle of her rising athletic career, Rose decided it was time to become a mama.
Her baby Taylor is now 9-months-old and Rose is experiencing the reality of sleepless nights, a cross country move to Boulder, Colorado, and a tough return to fitness, made tougher by a difficult birth experience. In a nutshell, she has taken a leap of faith and is currently living in the somewhat uncomfortable place between adventure and security.
I loved this interview for many reasons. Rose is real, she’s open, she lets us in to her life, to her process, and even to her mind when she’s on the starting line. Today we talk about:
Growing up in a huge family of 9 kids
How she got into Spartan & American Ninja Warrior
Childbirth: What she wanted and what she got!
Athletic recovery from a difficult birth: the reality of how long it takes to get healthy
Performance goals vs Outcome goals
The Starting Line
Tim Sinnett's cancer journey: follow him on
I love this episode with Rose. It’s easy to share when you’re on top of the world. It’s not as easy when you’re struggling. One of my favorite takeaways is Rose’s centering exercise. It’s what she uses to help her find peace and clarity on the starting line. I think we can use that exercise throughout our lives and throughout our days. We don’t have to be giving birth to remind ourselves to welcome the sensation. The point is that it’s important to stop fighting and start embracing.
Thanks for listening - now get out there and Run This World! Have a great workout and we'll see you next week.

Sunday May 13, 2018
93 - Susie Rinehart Chooses Brave Over Perfect
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
If you’ve been listening to the podcast, you may have heard Episode 92 which was my Ode to Motherhood. This means you’ve already experienced a glimpse into the mind of today’s guest, Susie Rinehart, because I stole one of her quotes as my title, “We are right where we need to be.”
Today’s episode with Susie is so full of incredible quotes that I could probably steal about 50 of them for future episodes (and maybe I will!). I think that when someone goes through a profound, life-changing event, and then actually has time to reflect on it (that’s the key), that’s when these nuggets of pure gold start shining through for all the world to see. Susie for all practical purposes was living a beautiful life as an accomplished ultrarunner, professional career woman, perfect wife and perfect mom of two. Then out of the blue she was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive, brainstem tumor that threatened to end her life whether she operated on it or not. Susie is healthy today and living a beautiful life – a very different life than she lived before.
When you sit across from Susie, you feel a certain energy full of love, acceptance, and yes, Joy. I often wonder if energy is palpable. I think Susie’s is. And what’s really interesting is that I can almost guarantee that her energy prior to her tumor, prior to her surgery, prior to this massive life change, was not the same. Here’s that this tells me. We may be born “who we are.” I say that in quotes because I’ve heard it before. We are who we are when we’re born. And I bet this is true in many ways, but here’s what Susie has shown me. We can change the way we look at the world, we can change the things about ourselves that don’t make us happy, and we can change the energy that we put into the world.
This is POWERFUL. This is POWER.
Today we talk about:
Ultrarunning: How running insane distances gives you a sense of superpowerdom
Trying to achieve perfection
Antidepressants: Why Susie opted for antidepressants before and not after the tumor
Who do you want to be? Now go be it.
Fear: How it holds us back from making decisions
Her rare brainstem tumor
Redefining yourself for life
Her voice: How she used it & how she uses it now
Susie's upcoming TedX Boulder talk
And more
You don’t need to go through a life or death situation to make the changes that will lead to more fulfillment. You just need to DECIDE to make them. It's ironic that Susie was living the “perfect life” and she was on antidepressants to live it. Now she leads a joyous, brave and admittedly imperfect life and her main drugs are vitamin c, saying no to the things she doesn’t want to do and saying yes to naps.
Incredible. I want some of that and I bet you do too.
Quick favor: If you love what I'm doing and want to support the podcast, go to the podcast app on your phone, search Run This World with Nicole DeBoom (you must search it even if it’s already in your library or the reviews won’t show up), and write a review. Share your favorite episode because people read these and it could help someone get started with a powerful nugget that they really needed to hear. It also helps me get the word out - the more reviews, the more legit iTunes thinks I am!
All right everyone. That’s it for today. You know what time it is. It’s time to get out there and Run This World. Have a great workout and I’ll see you next week!

Tuesday May 08, 2018
92 - Nicole DeBoom - Right Where We Need to Be
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Today I give an ode to motherhood on a few fronts. I recently interviewed Susie Rinehart (episode 93) and she said the phrase "I'm right where I need to be." It really resonated with me to the point where I realized that mantra can give comfort when you need comfort, appreciation when you deserve to celebrate, and peace across all experiences. I share some defining moments in my life, from the day I decided to change my life (to get pregnant) to some struggles I've faced as a parent to my relationship with my own mom. You don't need to be a mom to appreciate this episode because in the end, we're all right where we need to be.

Monday Apr 30, 2018
91 - Kelly McNelis Says Embrace Your Messy life
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Kelly McNelis is a community builder, an innovator, mom, wife, and more. Kelly has a very difficult past - she is an incest survivor who finally started processing her abuse and subsequently healing later in life. As she went through this process, she identified the stages that helped her heal most powerfully and realized that her path could help others; that sharing our stories both helps us heal and helps others feel less alone in the world. This realization resulted in Women For One, a massive virtual community of women supporting women.
Kelly recently wrote Your Messy Brilliance: 7 Tools for the Perfectly Imperfect Woman and then launched the inaugural Truthteller Tour in Boulder, Colorado. The Tour is truly the culmination of all her efforts - a live audience watching and feeling the emotions of the women on stage who are brave enough to share their truths.
That’s why she was in Boulder and why we finally connected in person. I spoke at the Truthteller Tour about something I have often mentioned but haven’t gone into detail about – my history with alcohol. When I went up on stage, I had a bunch of points I wanted to make but when it was over I had no idea what I said. It took me a while to actually watch my talk. When I did, I don’t know why, but I watched it backwards in sections. And I realized that while it was difficult and embarrassing and painful, it was important that I did it. For myself and maybe for some other people out there. This is what Kelly’s life’s work is all about. Helping people move forward, gain acceptance and find support and love. In case you're curious (which is the first tool Kelly mentions in her book), here is my speech from the Truthteller Tour.
Today we talk about:
Coping mechanisms
Tools to help embrace your messy life
And more!
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ - they help healthy people get awesome rates on life insurance and by the best fitting, most comfy, cutest athletic apparel in the world - Skirt Sports! Go to and use the code RTWpodcast15 at checkout for 15% off (excluding cycling, tri and outfit deals).

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
90 - Confidence Coach Christen Shefchunas Says Wake Up and Get Naked
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Coach Christen is an All-American Division one swimmer, college swim coach, author of Naked Confidence: Revealing Your Whole Truth and Finally Moving Forward, speaker and entrepreneur/founder of Confidence Nuggets. After many false starts and disappointments, she uncovered the power of confidence coaching and realized that this would be the new direction for her life. She started infusing confidence coaching into all her endeavors and it paid off both with herself and her athletes. I think that most epiphanies come when we finally open ourselves up to our issues, whether we are stagnating or failing or just running in place. It’s when we allow ourselves to be humbled that we can start moving out. Christen speaks to this process and so much more.
Today we talk about:
The ugly emotions: Regret, Shame and more
3-part process to creating confidence: Wake up. Own it. Transition it to the Positive.
How when we try to predict the future, it's always the worst case scenario.
Fear: What is the root of fear?
Expectations: How they can keep you stuck & lead to disappointment
Reframe the What-if's to I-am's
Speak your truth
And so much more!
Christen is one of my new favorite people. It’s tough when you are talking to a life coach of sorts. Because you feel like they’re sort of looking through all your bullshit to the real stuff deep inside. Personally I always want to just get it all out so that I don’t feel like I’m hiding anything and I can look them in the eye! What you don’t know is that after we hung up, we stayed on the line and talked about some more personal hangups/those things that creep into your mind on a hike that you don’t even realize you remembered. Christen really reiterated the three part process for healing: Wake up. Own it. And transition it to the positive. It can be that simple. But the toughest part for many people is to Own It. To forgive yourself for whatever negative emotions you are holding onto and then letting it go and moving forward in a positive way. I want to share that she sent me one of her Confidence Nuggets. I close the “I will lead” bracelet. I’m not kidding, during a meeting I found myself focusing in on some small details and realized that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do during that meeting – leading. That little visual trigger got me back on track. I love Christen’s final nugget. Speak. Speak your truth. When you know and accept who you are, the more confidence you will generate in your life.
This episode sponsored by Skirt Sports (best women's fitness apparel on the market!) and Health IQ (they find great rates on life insurance for healthy people). All right then, you know what time it is! It's time to get out there and Run This World. Have a great workout and I'll see you next week!

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
89 - Deena Kastor Will Help You Think Your Way to Victory
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Deena Kastor grew up a running phenom and a highly recruited student athlete. In college she struggled to maintain the momentum of her high school running career and seriously considered dropping out of the running world to pursue baking. Good thing she decided to give it one last go. Through hard work, an open mind and the right people in her life, Deena turned the corner and found the magic bullet that allowed her to fully tap into her potential – as an athlete and a person - the power of a positive mindset.
Deena competed at the top tier of distance runners for over a decade, winning countless races from the 5k to marathon. She still holds the American records in the marathon, 10-mile, 15k and 8k. Deena ran all the way until she found out she was pregnant with her daughter Piper in 2010, and she’s running again, chasing masters records and crushing them. Be sure to cheer for her this weekend at the Boston marathon.
I reconnected with Deena recently when I read her new book, "Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way to Victory," which launches today on many outlets – basically anywhere books are sold. It is a truly incredible, emotional, educational book about the power of positive thinking in sports. Of course I was drawn to how someone as seemingly as invincible as Deena has had to work hard to tap into the positive power inside of her, that at times, she strongly doubted.
Some highlights from our conversation:
Growing up a runner
Skin cancer: Facing your own mortality
Being a mom to Piper
How your greatest gifts can often be your greatest disappointments
Being "all in" in everything. The key? Turn off your phone!
Aging as a runner: what to expect (or not expect!)
Positivity: How do we create more positivity in our lives?
Deena's new book "Let Your Mind Run" - available now!
What I love about Deena is that she is wise and full of amazing advice that she’s learned the hard way, but she’s also real and human and approachable. She has a newfound perspective on what is truly important in life and I can literally feel it as I talked to her. I think that her final nugget “Pay attention to your thinking” is so compelling and can help all of us gain just a little bit of that perspective she’s worked hard to achieve.
This episode is sponsored by Skirt Sports, the amazing company I started all the way back in 2004. We are giving you a 30% discount on all the new stuff! Use code DONTGIVEUP - not valid on sale items.
This episode is also sponsored by innovative Health IQ - a life insurance agency that helps healthy people get better rates on life insurance. To see if you qualify, go to - tell them I sent you!

Monday Apr 02, 2018
88 - Betsy Hartley Woke Up One Day and Changed Her Life
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Betsy Hartley woke up one day at 400 lbs and a type 2 diabetic and simply said, “I’m going to do things differently starting now.” Since then she has lost over half of her body weight and reversed her type 2 diabetes. She is running ultramarathons, living a life of openness in regards to her issues, specifically binge-eating disorder, and bringing hope to many others who battle in the dark and feel hopeless and alone. Betsy started Novo Veritas (which means Honest Change) with Spencer Newell, another incredibly inspiring person who recently wrote a book about his alcohol and addiction journey. Between the two of them, they help and nurture others along their life journeys that are often filled with regret, shame and despair.
Betsy is the first to admit that her journey is ongoing. On her popular blog allbetsareoff392, she recently went public about how her binge-eating disorder reared its ugly head again late last year. Betsy decided to come forth with this because she knows the power of bringing the tough stuff into the open. If we can't admit our own struggles, how can we ever move forward? And further, how can we help others do the same? Today Betsy is an inspirer of many with an official ACE Health & Wellness Coach certification to back it up.
In this episode, we ask you to help Betsy as she tackles her 50th birthday this year by answering this challenge: What audacious, epic outdoor adventure should the 50-year-old Betsy Hartley do? It can be anything: Running swimming, cycling, mountaineering, you name it! Please post here, on facebook, or simply reach out to Betsy yourself with suggestions!
Today we talk about:
Betsy's journey as a young girl who slowly put on weight until she eventually gave into her situation
The day she decided she would "do things differently"
"Pizza has never been mean to me."
Binge Eating Disorder
How to focus on non-scale victories
"You can't or You won't?" - the difference between these two statements
Just do the next right thing
Why #REALwomenmove Matters
And more!
Betsy is one of those special people you stumble across and wish you had known her your entire life. There's no doubt that she will continue to motivate and inspire others because she is continuing to motivate and inspire herself - and that's where it needs to start!
If you love this episode, please forward it to a friend, and write a review on iTunes. Don't forget to check out my amazing sponsor Health IQ - they help healthy people get lower rates on life insurance. To see if you qualify go to and be sure to tell them I sent you! All right then you know what time it is, it's time to get out there and Run This World. Have a great workout and I'll see you next week!