Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
37 - Emily Harvey Amputee Athlete on Rocking Your Differences
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Meet Emily Harvey - disability right attorney, wife, fitness model, founder of non-profit LIM359, and amputee athlete.
Emily's leg was amputated when she was two because she had a condition called fibular hemimelia, which means she was missing her fibula bone and her left leg was substantially shorter than her right. She grew up not really knowing any different, and even asked her grandma at some point when she got her first prosthesis because she simply believed that everyone wore a prosthesis. Listen for inspiration, motivation and more.

Saturday Dec 31, 2016
36 - New Year Nuggets with Tim & Nicole DeBoom
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Happy New Year! It's 2017. Time to look forward, make plans and move your life in the direction you want it to go. I looked for some 2017 inspiration and found it in the form of my husband, Tim DeBoom, who retired from professional racing after 20 years and 2 Hawaii Ironman titles. He's in a different place now and it was fitting to interview him for this one as we just passed our 20 year anniversary too.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
35 - Mike Glauser on Doing What You Love
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Meet Mike Glauser the ultimate entrepreneur. Mike knew early on that he wanted to be an entrepreneur, but instead of jumping in headfirst, he went to school to study entrepreneurship and found that while he learned a ton, he needed hands-on experience to test his book-smarts. This led to founding multiple businesses, teaching entrepreneurship at the university level and writing bestseller "Main Street Entrepreneur" after interviewing 100 entrepreneurs in 100 towns across America.

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
34 - Mirna Valerio of Fatgirlrunning Promotes Health at Every Size
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Meet Mirna Valerio of Fatgirlrunning. Years ago she was on the fast track to an early grave. Working two jobs, with a toddler in tow, not sleeping, not exercising and not taking care of herself finally took a toll. After a wake-up call on the Interstate, Mirna needed to hear some tough words from her doctor. Namely that she wouldn't be alive to watch her son grow up if she didn't make some big changes.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
33 - Mirinda Carfrae from 5'3" Basketball Pipsqueak to 3-time Ironman World Champion
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Meet Mirinda "Rinny" Carfrae. One of the best Ironman athletes of all time. She won the Hawaii Ironman in 2010, 2013 and 2014. She's been on the podium seven times. She toed the starting line eight times. The only time she didn't finish in the top three was when she was hit by a car during a training ride just days before the race in 2015. But she wasn't always an Ironman rockstar.

Saturday Nov 26, 2016
32 - Alison Teal from Naked & Afraid to Protecting our Oceans
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Alison Teal has been dubbed today's "Female Indiana Jones" by Time Magazine. She journeys into ancient cultures with her camera and a pink eco surfboard to uncover and share global secrets of survival, sustainability, health and happiness through her comedic and inspirational film series Alison's Adventures. Alison was catapulted into the public eye when she accepted the offer to do the Discovery Channel's "Naked and Afraid" show, garnering the highest survival rating and highest viewed episode ever. She has used this platform to continue pushing her agenda for awareness of environmental issues

Monday Nov 21, 2016
31 - Rachel Kodanaz on Living With Loss
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Rachel Kodanaz experienced the unthinkable. At 31 years old, with a 2 year old daughter, she became a widow after her husband went out for an 8-mile run at lunch one day, had a heart arrhythmia, and never came home. She decided to do the Hawaii Ironman, her husband's bucket list item, as a way to honor his memory and hold him close to her through this time. Over the years, she has become an expert in helping others deal with loss and grief.

Saturday Nov 12, 2016
30 - Dana D from Drug Addict to Love Addict
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Dana D is one of the most brutally genuine people on this planet. She does everything hard; there is no half-assedery in her world. I met Dana many years ago when I knew her only as the Walnut-Cafe-Lady. I later came to know her as so much more. Dana recently came to Skirt Sports to speak about a topic important to her - love. Today she elaborates on that topic and her path to this place in her life.

Thursday Nov 03, 2016
29 - Mary T Callahan on Why What We Say and Do is Important
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Mary T Callahan is a powerhouse. She's the Executive Director of the Girls on the Run of Greater Houston chapter and has made it her life's work to help develop young girls into the strong, confident leaders they can become.

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
28 - Ash Beckham on Pancakes Closets and Why You Should Stop Wasting Your Time
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Prolific speaker Ash Beckham burst onto the scene after a Boulder Ignite talk in 2013. Her first-ever attempt at public speaking blew up the internet and started her on a track to activism that she didn't expect. Ash blew people's minds with her TEDx Closet talk and has gone on to many other stages and probably close to 10 million views when you add up all her influences. Ash started in the LGBTQ arena but her message is about authenticity and inclusive for everyone.