Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Heidi and Gretchen Breuner are identical twins who live next door to each other and work side by side. They've always been best friends (except for that one time that Heidi etched "I'm mad at Mom and Gretchen" in the windowsill in second grade) and they've always supported each other. What makes their current story so amazing is that it happened by accident.
Overnight, Heidi's exciting startup, Swap T's, went bust when coronavirus hit and shut down schools. It was an interactive tee shirt company that encouraged connection and communication with kids aged K-2. From the first distribution of tees at a school, it was obvious that the concept was working when the shyest kid in the class was suddenly engaged with the others as they excitedly shared stories about their patches. In fact, Swap Ts had so much potential that Heidi's husband quit his job and Gretchen started working with her too.
So when schools closed, and the business had no future before it had really even taken off, Heidi and her husband did what they always did in times of uncertainty - they went into the workshop. That day, unknowingly, they reignited the flame of their iconic family business - Breuners Furniture - a business that had been shut down due to a long ago family feud.
Their story is exactly what we need right now.
For more on the Breuners:
Breuner Furtniture website
Order a table or hat or more: Heck, just send them your ideas!
Follow them on social @breunersfurniture

Monday May 11, 2020
169 - Keep Showing Up with Sara Dean of the Shameless Mom Academy
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Sara Dean is the creator and host of the Shameless Mom Academy Podcast, a top rated podcast with over 2 million downloads. Sara’s biggest passion is helping women own their space. After enduring her own identity crisis following the birth of her son, Sara took her background in psychology/health/wellness and rebuilt her identity, one step at a time. Sara motivates and inspires women to stop shrinking and start shining. She is on a mission to inspire women and moms, in particular, to live bigger, bolder, braver #everydamnday.
I had the honor of being featured on her podcast - the Shameless Mom Academy Podcast - Episode 344. We talked openly about all the things that have made us who we are today. And we had so much fun that I vowed to get her on my show when the time was right. So when the pandemic struck and we were thrust into new roles as stay at home parents and virtual workers, I decided Sara was exactly who I needed to chat with. What I love most about her is that she truly is her authentic self every day. By being unashamedly true to herself, she gives other women the permission and freedom to do the same.
Today we talk about:
Imperfection: why this is the key to happiness
Core values: We have a big conversation about creating your own!
Identity crises throughout life: How to get through these transitions
Her infertility journey
The importance of community and connection
What she means by a transformation program
And so much more
For more Sara Dean:
Momentum Mamas membership community
Tenacious Mamas business & leadership mastermind
Shameless Mom Academy Podcast
Her Website
Follow her on social @shamelessmomacademy

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
168 - Trust the Process with Superstar Runner Neely Spence Gracey
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Neely Spence Gracey is not only a superstar runner, she's a superstar person. I met Neely many years ago at the Skirt Sports Half Marathon. She was a young, aspiring runner who was fortunately unsponsored at the time and looking for a training race. I gave her a skirt and a free entry and she won the race handily! I felt like she was a baby just getting ready for a big adventure.
Today Neely has a baby! She's also an Adidas sponsored athlete, a world class marathoner, and a hands-on, passionate coach of runners of all levels. I have always appreciated her positive outlook, something that I think we need now more than ever.
Today we talk about:
Becoming a runner
Breakouts, Burnout & Comebacks
The importance of changing things up
Her untraditional start to marriage
Coaching the coach
Pregnancy and running
"Life as you know it will end. 100% But for the better"
Positive mindset power
And so much more
For more Neely:
Her website:
Follow her on social @neelysgracey

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
167 - Mike Reilly the Voice that Brings You Home
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Mike Reilly has called over 350,000 athletes across the finish lines of over 180 IRONMAN races around the world for the last 30 years. People spend months and even years dreaming about the day that they will cross the line of their dream race and hear these four words, "You are an IRONMAN!" Mike has literally become a symbol of accomplishment for so many people. He is the finish line voice that puts the final stamp on a journey that changes lives. Mike does not take this lightly. He understands the responsibility of his role in this transformational moment.
Mike started his professional life in a classroom, but was quickly lured to southern California to work in the running industry with his brother. He got into the sport of triathlon and fell in love with the lifestyle. And he still loves it today - deeply and passionately. Mike became an announcer by accident and we're lucky he did. He's one of the best people on the planet and if you ever have the chance to be called across a finish line by him, all I can say is soak it in.
Our conversation is fun, deep, insightful and inspiring. Plus there is an appearance by the elusive Tim DeBoom!
We cover:
Finish Lines
Control: We are the cause of our own experiences
Corona Era Musings
When a job is actually a passion or as Mike says, he is "playing with my passion"
Mike's roots: Special Ed Teacher turned running store owner turned shoe rep
Accidental entrance into race announcing
How Mike was signed up for Kona, but was invited to announce instead. He never did the race and has no regrets!
The phrase that changes lives: 4 important words
Taking care of ourselves trumps everything
It's in the giving that we receive
And so much more
For more Mike Reilly
Buy his book "Finding My Voice"
Contact him here
Follow him on social media @ironmanvoice

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
166 - Embracing the Suck with Olympian Katie Hoff
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Katie Hoff is a swimming legend. She swam at the world level from the age of 15 when she qualified for her first Olympics (2004) until 2015 when she retired, a move that was accelerated by a rare issue that caused blood clots in her lungs. Because they weren't diagnosed immediately, the remaining scar tissue caused her lungs to function at less than 100%, decidedly not good enough to compete at the world level any longer. After retirement, Katie has gone through all the emotions, trials and tribulations that a world class athlete could deal with while searching for her purpose beyond the pool. She is a work in progress, and the lessons she shares are relevant to all of us, no matter what age and stage we're in.
As a former swimmer, I loved connecting with Katie. I could relate to her drive, work ethic, total immersion in all things swimming, the highest highs and the lowest lows. Of course I could only relate at a fraction because Katie was literally the best swimmer on the planet at one point. But here's the magic that Katie delivers. Even though she was at the very top echelon of a sport many people are afraid of, the lessons she has learned can transcend into anyone's lives.
Today we talk about:
How one becomes the best swimmer in the world
Competitive drive from a very young age
Homeschooling: some advice for parents who are now homeschooling due to coronavirus
All the things that come with competing at the highest level: Pressure, patience, hard work, motivation, learning to listen to your gut, passion, obsession & more
Fast rise: competing in the Olympics at age 15
Why a silver medal didn't feel complete
Coming back and stopping short: Blood clots in her lungs
Embracing the suck: Why this philosophy will get you the results you want
For more Katie Hoff
Follow her on Instagram @kthoff7
Do her dryland workouts

Friday Apr 03, 2020
165 - Damiana Corca Helps People Sleep Easily
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Damiana Corca is a sleep specialist. She discovered her passion for helping people solve their sleep issues after moving to the US from Romania and earning her acupuncture degree. Damiana is open, honest and she truly cares about the well-being of her clients. She is basically an expert puzzle-solver. People come to her with issues and it's her job to figure out the core so she doesn't waste time simply treating the symptoms.
Today she shares so much more than tips and tricks to better sleep - I promise she also shares these in a big way! She shares her journey which is interesting and complex, filled with love, heartbreak and transformation. And she leaves all of you with an amazing gift in the form of a custom e-book called "The Hour Before Sleep." Click here to sign up and you'll get practical tools to help with that important hour before you close your eyes each night.
This episode includes:
Damiana's early years as one of eight children growing up in Romania
Feeling unseen
Her calling as a teacher: How Damiana started a stopped both a teaching degree and a law degree
Finding acupuncture and the power of healing others
Her path to specializing in sleep
Sleep 101: how much we need & what happens when we don't get it
Causes that can lead to poor sleep: stress, hormones, digestive issues, toxic overload
Napping: how to nap properly
Some tips on setting up your sleep space
And so much more
Don't forget to sign up for her free ebook "The Hour Before Sleep."
For more on Damiana:
Click here for a free consult
FB & IG @drdamianacorca

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
164 - Exercise is a Lifestyle with Christie Bruner
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Christie Bruner is an entrepreneur, swim coach, trainer, Girls on the Run coach, MRTT leader, healthy school advocate, Community Engagement Supervisor for Healthy St Pete, wife & mom of three daughters. That is a lot for one person to take on in this world. As you listen to Christie and start to understand her philosophy on life, you'll see how she does it - by prioritizing the most important things and carving off everything else that doesn't align.
I met Christie at the Skirt Sports Half Marathon about six years ago - she was drawn to our message of positivity and inclusivity. The funny thing is that we grew up in the same town, both hard core swimmers, with a lifelong focus on health and fitness. Christie is a Skirt ambassador who passionately shares her health and fitness philosophy with everyone around her. Her focus has expanded from personal health goals to advocating for her daughters so that they too will have access to the things that help form a foundation for lifelong wellness. The trick when advocating for others is to make sure you don't lose track of yourself along the way. I think you'll appreciate Christie's approach to all of this and more.
Today we talk about:
The importance of a flexible mindset as it applies to both proactive and reactive approaches to issues in life
Entrepreneur life: Specifically Momtrepreneur life with a Baby Boot Camp franchise
Exercise as a lifestyle: Modeling fitness behavior for kids
Why we need to celebrate the little victories
Action for Healthy Kids: Apply for a grant to make change in your children's lives
Recess Mom: Why Christie advocated for 20 minutes of unstructured, uninterrupted recess for her children
Taking time for yourself when you're so busy taking time for others
Why doing sports is so important as a child: Christie's swimming background
Fear of failure: Christie wrote her thesis on mental blocks & training yourself to move around them
Finding comfort in discomfort
For more on Christie:
Instagram @brunerbabes3
Apply for a grant through Action for Healthy Kids: they extended their deadline through May 31
Check out what she's doing through Healthy St Pete's

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
163 - Mirna Valerio Leans Into Joy
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Mirna Valerio is back for her sixth appearance on the podcast. What makes this woman so special? It could be her courage to step beyond perceived limitations to tackle the impossible. It could be her unapologetic approach to her unconventional lifestyle. It could be that she welcomes all into her fold. It could be that she's just so damn smart, funny and nonjudgmental. I'll make it easy and just say - all of the above!
This episode is being aired at a very unique time. We are literally weeks into the global Coronavirus pandemic that is spreading like wildfire and has created fear, anxiety, and depression. Events are canceled, travel is suspended, businesses are closing, people are getting laid off, schools are closed and families have been advised to stop interacting with others. It's not looking good at the moment. We have literally never seen anything like this before, and I hope we never will again.
This is exactly when we need to hear from people who bring us joy. People who find the positive, the opportunity, in the chaos. People who make us smile. This is when we need to hear from Mirna. We talk about a huge range of topics related to the current state of the world and then I just ask her to share some stories that will create some positivity.
Please follow and support Mirna in one or more of the following ways:
Get a personal message from her on Cameo
Get coached by Mirna
Buy her book
Support her on Patreon: Let's get her podcast funded soon!
Follow @TheMirnavator on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
162 - Ali Kearney's Journey from Self Harm to Self Love
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Trigger warning: This episode contains discussions about self-injury and disordered eating.
Ali Kearney is gorgeous, vibrant, healthy and entrenched in the world of running and fitness. When she smiles, it blinds everyone around her with love, light and positivity. Like so many of us, you would never guess the struggles she has endured to get here. That is, unless she's wearing a bikini and you can see the actual scars she bears. Ali spent much of her formative teen years and early 20s battling depression and anxiety. Here's how she coped; by cutting herself. And later, by adopting restrictive eating. It wasn't until she found the power and freedom of running that she moved out of her self destructive patterns and into the positive life she leads today.
Ali is a Skirt Sports Ambassador - she's been on our bandwagon so long that she is now considered a Legacy Ambassador, part of the community because she loves our message of encouragement and inclusiveness. As I have gotten to know her, I understand this more than ever. She felt so alone for so many years, that the power of a group of women supporting each other is exactly what she needs now.
I find it so inspiring to truly understand Ali's path out of the dark and into the light. Today we talk about the following and so much more:
Depression and Anxiety: How it can manifest as a child - in her case due to a major move during a difficult age
Body image: At 11, she gained weight due to celiac diagnosis which while improved her health, added to her conflicted self image
How she found and used cutting as a release for her anxiety
Why and how she finally stopped cutting
Coping mechanism transfer: From cutting to restrictive eating
Positive relationships are critical to moving forward
Overcoming childhood perceptions of ourselves: Ali was diagnosed with asthma as a child so running wasn't really an option
Running became her new outlet - in a very positive way: "I never used running to inflict harm on my body."
Apps to help when the urge strikes: Calm Harm app
The catharsis of writing: Check out her blog!
For more Ali Kearney, check out the resources here:
Instagram @abk_runs

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
161 - Pelvic Floor 101 with Carolyn Yates Plus Incontinence, Kegels & Orgasms
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Carolyn Yates is a healer - of an area that many women are afraid to talk about - pelvic floors. When we first chatted about the upcoming interview, she said, "Women should not have to suffer in silence about their pelvic floors." I agree - time to end the suffering! The only way to do that is to have open, candid conversations about body parts that can be very uncomfortable to discuss. It's funny - I've always had a bit of an aversion to using medical terms for various body parts and functions. Today we get into all of them: Vaginas, the uterus, rectums, feces, orgasms, urine, you name it.
The pelvic floor is the the center of the conversation, and as it turns out, our bodies! Carolyn gives a visual demo of how to locate your pelvic floor during the conversation and we say kegel a lot which will make you feel like you're getting a workout just listening, because who doesn't immediately kegel when you hear the word kegel?
Today we cover:
How Carolyn became a Pelvic Floor Therapist : the crazy nature of group classes with student exams
The Obtrator Internus: A hip stabilizer that can only be accessed internally (vaginally or rectally)
What pelvic floor therapy (PFT) is: What you can expect if you go to a PFT
Who can benefit from PFT: It's not just for old women or women who have given birth
Athletes and pregnancy: How to prep your body for birth from a pelvic floor perspective
After birth: How to get rolling again - check out her Return to Run Program here
Prolapse: What it is and how to treat it
Orgasms: How pelvic floor therapy can make your orgasms better
Periods: Ways to limit the discomfort through PFT
Incontinence: Stress, Urge and Mixed
And a bunch of prying questions about Carolyn's personal life: Relationships, running, dancing, and more
To get some more of Carolyn, check out:
Her website
Instagram @verity_ptw
Facebook @verityptw
Her Youtube channel