Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
160 - "You are the One You've Been Waiting For" with Julie Piatt
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
I became aware of Julie Piatt and the amazing things she is doing to make this world a better place through a person she calls her polar opposite, her husband, Rich Roll, episode 122 "Rich Roll on the Other Side of the Mic." So it's not surprising that we start by launching into the power of attraction, friction, and her ultimate realization that in order to best love and support her husband, she needed to separate herself from his journey.
I'm getting ahead of myself, but that's what it feels like to chat with Julie. I went into the interview with a whole list of topics I thought we might cover, but as we embarked on each one, so many new topics presented themselves that I had trouble keeping up. I realized that I needed to separate myself from the interview and just let Julie shine bright - this is her gift to the world.
Julie Piatt is an old soul who was born waiting for the time that she could break free to follow her own path. Her maternal grandfather was a Chilean energy healer; as she says, "We all know one person like me." She's a born healer who herself has been healing and growing and sharing her energy with anyone lucky enough to come across her. I realized partway through this interview that all I needed to do was give her the room to share her wisdom on a range of topics. We could have talked for another hour, but I'll save all those other topics (& the ones I don't even know about yet) for a future episode.
Today she shares the following and so much more:
Marriage: Her journey with Rich Roll
How polar opposites can create the most rewarding union
Letting go of the dream that we have to live the same path as our partner & embracing that our journeys can be different
Divine Love is like the sun: It loves everything in creation without judgment
Her growth experiences during a nine year period of financial collapse
Learning how to receive & learning how to give
Her DFO (Don't Freak Out) philosophy
Motherhood: Be open to the lessons your kids are teaching you
Her childhood in Alaska as the youngest of five children
Born-again Christian at 11, experimenting with drugs at 12, done with all that at 16
How we can help those we know who are suffering
Her passionate thoughts on why we need to stop consuming meat and dairy: check out Paul Hawken's Project Drawdown. Plant eating is the #4 way we can reverse global warming
Srimu: It's not just a Not Cheese Company - Do Life. Not Cheese.
Damanhur Retreats (and others): For people who are ready to uncover their spiritual missions
And so much more
I believe Julie's special talent is to help others uncover their special talents - and this all starts with remembering who we are at the core so we can live our authentic life missions. After hearing this episode, you may need some time to absorb. There are many messages that hit home. To get in touch with Julie and learn more about all the things she does to help other people, check out her website:
Other fun Julie Piatt stuff!
"For The Life Of Me" Podcast
Water Tiger community
Her cookbooks: This Cheese is Nuts and two PlantPower Way cookbooks
Her beautiful music
Episodes of Rich Roll Podcast featuring Julie
Instagram @srimati

Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Pamela Robichaud is many things: Physical therapist, entrepreneur, athlete, road warrior, daughter, sister, wife and lover of spuds. Pamela and I go way back. I met her when she was a Skirt Ambassador, recruited by her husband Jon Robichaud (note: men don't usually recruit women to our brand!). The funny thing is that she quit being an ambassador to go on a year-long road trip - a life-changing experience prompted by many things including their decision to stop trying to have kids and a very scary bike crash. Big decisions often happen when we go through events that bring us perspective. In this case, they decided it was time to take a different road. They bought a camper van and went on the road for a year.
Today I know Pamela mostly for her work as a body healer and entrepreneur. She and Jon took their passion for health and fitness as they became founding members of iKor, a Boulder-based CBD brand focused on helping endurance athletes recover better. CBD is a big buzzword these days, but there is still a lot of misconception around what it actually is and how it can help us. We cut through the hype and get to the heart of the matter. CBD is very personal; people take it for all sorts of reasons and with a range of results. From there we go on a fun ride of topics that resonate with just about everyone on some level including (but not limited to!):
Startup life: iKor Labs is working to make athletes' lives better
CBD in all its glory: Basic scientific background, recovery, sleep, anxiety, depression and other benefits
iKor products: Daily, Topical, Recovery Shots
iKor discount: Use code RecoverBetter for 20% off!
Placebo effects and why they aren't a bad thing either way
Boundaries: how she learned to protect hers
Brain injuries & how they can affect an entire family: Pamela's brother, Nicolas, and his accident 15 years ago
Physical Therapy: What led Pamela to pursue this career
Her work at Koa Fit with the amazing Brenna Backe
Relationships: the long, winding road of Pamela's great love story
Changing direction on one of life's big topics: Kids
The Boston Bombing
Being tickled, spuds and more
Pamela is smart, funny, real, compassionate and badass. She's someone we could all use a little more of in our lives. Follow her on social and be sure to use the code RecoverBetter for 20% off iKor products!

Friday Feb 14, 2020
158 - Remember to Breathe with Melissa Wolak
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
I reached out to Melissa Wolak because I wanted to get someone on the show who could talk about habits. I read "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg a few years ago and I've been intrigued by the concept of creating positive habits and eliminating unhelpful habits so we can live happier lives. It seems to me that if we really want to achieve something or make meaningful change in our lives, we need to make sometimes difficult changes, and let's face it, change is one of the hardest concepts for people to embrace.
Melissa is a transformational and mindset coach. Sounds fancy, but it's really simple. Her mission is to help you build a foundation for change that will empower you no matter how you choose to dance on your path and what rhythm you go with. She can help you find your path, stay on your path, or develop tools to blaze your path in a bigger way.
I love Melissa's approach. She is practical, empowering, gentle when needed and incredibly mindful. Today we talk about:
Pause and Breathe: This theme is repeated many times through the episode. This is the key to forward change as it precedes the most important concept - Awareness.
How does one become a transformational and mindset coach? Melissa's career path from speech language cognitive therapy to life coach
Her long, winding path to understanding gut health: gluten intolerance caused many other issues
Habit change in all its glory: baby steps
What the heck is mindfulness? Melissa's definition "Being present in the moment without judgment or criticism"
When the teacher becomes the student: Melissa's concussion and recovery
Her three nonnegotiable habits: Diet, Outside time, Gratitude
And so much more
If you take one thing away from this episode it is this: Pause. Breathe. Check in with yourself. Why are you feeling the way you feel? Get to the bottom of it before you take the next action. Pause. Breathe. Check in. Pause Breathe. Check in. I know I will be working on implementing this new habit. Let me know if you are too!
For more Melissa, check her out here!
Work with Melissa
Instagram @melissahwolak
Facebook Melissa.h.wolak

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
157 - "I Have to Love Myself" - Tunde Borrego on Relapse, Sex, Affairs & Yoga
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
I met Tunde Borrego at Core Power Yoga. It was my second ever yoga class, Tunde was my instructor, and I remember thinking to myself, "I'm not sure what the heck is going on, but there's something about this woman." After class, she told me, "Just give me three tries before you decide if you like me.
Well guess what? I like Tunde. A lot. I realized that at each class I really looked forward to her energy and the freedom to simply be me in class. Each time she taught, Tunde was share a new insight about herself and each time she shared, I thought, "There is so much more to this woman than I ever imagined." Finally I told her about my podcast and asked her to come on the show.
The cool thing about this episode is that I didn't know Tunde's background beforehand. All I knew were the snippets she shared in class and my gut feeling that we would have an awesome conversation. I promise it does not disappoint.
Today we talk about:
Relationships: Marriage, affairs, divorce and more
Alcoholism: becoming sober and relapsing
Sex Sex and more Sex 😍
Yoga in all its glory & shout out to CorePower Yoga
Mantras for self-love and forgiveness: May you be well. May you be at peace. Thank you for the lessons.
Self-loathing: "My body was my enemy"
Bulimia: Emotional eating started at 14
Self-acceptance leads to self-love
The Peace Tree: why she needs to hike there every day
"When I can be of service, that's when I feel the best."
Her short stint in jail & how she now teaches yoga in jail
For more on Tunde, check out her yoga classes here
Tunde's IG @tunderose
Cool interview on Powerful Ladies

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
156 - Lauren Beihoffer - It's Never Too Late to Take Care of You
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Lauren Beihoffer Runs Wild. That's her instagram handle - and it perfectly sums up the path her life has taken. She is a complex woman with many layers that are often outside of her control. Lauren is a depression and anxiety warrior, a mom of three boys (two of whom are adopted from other countries) and a runner. These three pillars have wound around each other over the years, ultimately shaping who she is today.
We have a great conversation that flows through the course of Lauren's life, uncovering many of the pivotal moments, bigger decisions she's made and how she has not only endured but truly thrived. One of the things I find incredibly critical is that even as she navigated her young child's depression and anxiety, she had never reached out for help with her own. It wasn't until last year when she started a course of therapy, meds & running (definitely running!) that she has found a place of understanding and peace within herself.
I think you will appreciate Lauren's openness and candor with topics and experiences that can be difficult and often controversial. Today we talk about:
Motherhood: making the decision to adopt
The adoption process: Specifically for her sons River from Vietnam and Avi from Hong Kong
Getting pregnant biologically after she was told it wouldn't happen!
Choosing to minimize her career as a biochemist and focus on parenting
The truth of the phrase "I didn't know what I was getting into" as it applies to adoption, specifically a child with special needs
Having a biological baby when everyone already thinks of you as a mom and you don't know what you're doing!
Depression and anxiety as a child
Getting treatment for depression and anxiety as an adult
Meds: the controversy
Managing marriage through the muck: The "Sit and Wait" approach
Running as one of her greatest joys
The Trail Sloth: "I'm not fast but I will always finish."
For more of the amazing Lauren Beihoffer:
Instagram @lauren_runswild

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
155 - Laura Bergmann Helps You Get Unstuck
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
I came across Laura Bergmann through former guest Betsy Hartley who told me she had heard Laura speak and was blown away at the work she is doing to help people get moving again. Laura is a Fascia Warrior. She is on the front lines of a field of work that has largely been untapped in the world of exercise physiology.
What is fascia? This is how Laura describes it on her website: A Magical Matrix Of Awesome!
Fascia is a sensory organ. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.
Laura stumbled into this field through her own physical struggles, from people telling her she couldn't do things like run, so she decided to figure out how she COULD. Multiple degrees and many triathlons and marathons later, Laura is one of the leading fascia workers in our country. She's not only trained to help our bodies heal, but she takes a holistic approach that includes our emotional and spiritual selves.
Today you'll hear about all of this and more:
Therapy animals
Oxytocin: how this hormone is important to multiple aspects of our lives
Getting to the root of the issue: the pain is usually just the side effect and not the cause
Cellular life is dependent on...water (Cell life)
Fascia Fascia Fascia
Treat your body when you know something's not right; not after it all blows up
Become your own advocate
Hardware vs Software (anatomically speaking)
Body awareness is the key
The Aging Athlete: Why Less is OK
Do your best TODAY!
Laura is a very motivational person. I believe that Laura is driven by a pure and total belief in the work she does - in her case, it started with patient zero - herself. She found something wonderful that helped make her life better and she learned how to share this gift with so many others. For more on Laura or to work with her directly, please visit her website and follow her on social.
Laura recommends some resources for all who are interested in learning more!
Fascia What Is It And Why It Matters, David Lesondak
Functional Fascia Training with BlackRoll, Lutz Graumann
Fascial Fitness, Robert Schliep
Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System, Carla Stecco
She is available to teach a master class for trainers, coaches, regular public, and practitioners on self myofascial release and corrective exercise homework and training fascially. Contact her for more info.
Check out BlackRoll tools for self fascia work. She uses them on herself so highly recommended!
Allright that's it for today. You know what time it is. It's time to get out there and run this world. Have a great workout and we'll see you next week!

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
I met Ian Powell over four years ago when we were trying to sublet our offices in Boulder. There was something about him that struck me as different, so I went home and googled him. This is what I found - a 2013 article by Caroline Treadway in Rock & Ice that begins like this, "Ian Powell hit bottom three years ago on Thanksgiving in a dumpster near Denver. Huddled under a layer of trash, he was freezing, dope-sick and hadn’t eaten for days."
Turns out Ian has led an extremely interesting life, so interesting that it may be a miracle that he's still with us today. You would think that after reading about his brushes with death and destruction, drugs and prison, I may elect to NOT rent our space to him, but the opposite was actually true. I was both intrigued by his sordid past and inspired by his ability to turn it all around. I didn't even have a podcast yet, but I knew that one day I would need to learn more about his story.
Ian is the founder of Kilter Grips - a Boulder company that makes grips for climbing walls. If you've ever climbed in an indoor gym, you have quite possibly touched a hold designed by Ian. Kilter is widely regarded to be one of the best grip companies in the world, and Ian is widely regarded as one of the best shapers. What makes his work so special is that he is actually an artist. Yes, he wants to make great hand holds. Yes, he wants to have a successful company. Yes, it would be great if he made money. But he does this work because he is called to it. He is an artist at heart and crafting climbing holds is the purest form of art to him.
Ian grew up in a dysfunctional family. He landed in Waco, Texas, where he barely graduated high school and became obsessed with climbing. After high school he made his way to Boulder, Colorado, and started working in the climbing industry.
But somewhere along the way, as he started to see success as a shaper and later a fine artist, Ian discovered drugs. Being the all-in guy he is, Ian's path led to full-on drug addiction, homelessness and criminal activity. Ian was eventually busted and sentenced to time in prison. It wasn't until he was locked up that he finally kicked his addiction and got healthy.
2020 marks TEN years since Ian left prison to restart his life. Our conversation is one of my favorites. Ian is incredibly humble about his difficult past. He openly shares his mistakes and all the lessons he's learned from them. He knows how quickly life can change and I think he is navigating his path with an intensity that you can only have when you know what's on the other side. Today we talk about:
Podcasts: He wanted to let you know that he listens to more than Terry Gross, Adam Carolla and Joe Rogan!
Climbing: Route-setting, Shaping & other cool technical stuff
Creating: This is a big theme throughout our conversation. Creating businesses. Creating fine art. Creating holds. Creating things that give us purpose.
Finding the flow state: in work, in life, in art
Early childhood experiences: His father's suicide and how his mother showed her love and support
Discovering climbing: his first passion
Starting eGrips: ludicrous tales of being a young entrepreneur
Discovering drugs: How quickly his life fast-forwarded down a destructive path
Homeless and degenerate in Denver
Prison: I literally ask, "What was prison like?" You must listen to this part.
Turning his life around after prison
Kilter and Jackie
And so much more
This is an absolutely gripping episode. It's one thing to survive the experiences Ian has survived. It's another thing to be able to share openly and humbly so that others may learn something and find some inspiration to help them move through their own difficulties. In the end, I love Ian's final nugget. It's all about creating for the pure joy and fulfillment of creation. With no attachment to the outcome. I hope you listen today with no attachment, just let the messages flow and find your own zen state while they do.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
153 - Jen Rockstar Szabo "What's the Worst that Could Possibly Happen?"
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
"Be your inner rockstar." Jen Rockstar Szabo adopted this phrase in the last decade as she's dealt with divorce, anxiety and depression, body acceptance, debilitating injuries and more. To Jen, being your inner rockstar is about shining a spotlight on the moments of your life that we don't openly talk about. It's not about hiding parts of ourselves, but embracing them, or as she says, "Giving them a hug and inviting them in for a cup of tea."
Jen is an adult onset athlete. In 2004 she was duped into going to a meeting for a local running group. She tried to walk out the door, but a welcoming hand on her shoulder changed the course of her life (thanks Scott Fliegelman!). Jen is one of my favorite people. We've been palling around for about 15 years, brought together by Skirt Sports when we did an early fashion show at our local Fleet Feet store. You may have seen one of our widely acclaimed triathlon transition videos 😂 or our motivational HIIT workouts. If you haven't, they're definitely worth watching.
Rockstar has been on the podcast once before as a contributor to episode 119 - Body Talk. But we have never taken the time to shine the spotlight exclusively on her. Jen is a special person who is navigating this world one day at a time, keeping her priorities straight and continuing to build her toolshed.
Today we talk about:
What is means to be your inner rockstar
12-year-old Jen
Anxiety and depression
Naming your "thing," inviting it in and giving it a hug
Becoming an athlete against your own odds
Overcoming injuries & adapting to a new reality as we age
An difficult encounter on an airline
And so much more
For more Rockstar, be sure to follow her on Instagram at @rockstarszabo - she is an open book and what drives her more than just about anything is helping others, so if you need another advocate in your court, please reach out!
That's it for today. You know what time it is! It's time to get out there and Run This World. Have a great workout and we'll see you next week!

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
152 - Macy Matarazzo Helps Women Discover Unicorn Love
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Macy Matarazzo is a love coach. She helps smart, single, spiritually conscious women find the kind of love they never thought existed... but it does. She calls it unicorn love and it's available to all of us. We just have to do a little work to open up to it.
Macy fell into this career through her own life experiences, self-enlightenment and a passionate calling to help others discover what she was able to find. The first and most important thing that is missing when people struggle in relationships is the ability to be 100% yourself. It seems to easy, but being ourselves, embracing who we truly are, is really difficult for so many reasons. It can require work to shed the walls and limitations that we've built over many years of our lives.
Today Macy has a thriving coaching business called Love Muffin Coaching, she puts on Love Camp (anyone can join), she broadcasts free advice and entertainment on her Reverend Lunch Lady Love Vibe TV Youtube channel, she does Dead Old Lady Secret Recipe Tarot Readings and most of all, she brings joy to people who are ready to receive it.
Today we talk about:
Love in all forms
Macy's love story: How she met "Laserbeam Larry" (my chiropractor) & shed her facades for good
Techniques to help women open up to love including RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory)
How to be true to who we really are
Why love coaching?
Dead Old Lady Secret Recipe Tarot Readings: One for me and one for you (our listeners)
Online dating: How to navigate this world sanely
Checklist: What do we need to commit to for ourselves?
Ego: How this can get in the way of good relationships
For more Macy, check out her website, facebook, youtube and more!
If you are loving the podcast, please consider becoming a Patron. I recently opened an account on Patreon so that listeners can support me if they feel compelled to do so. All right then, you know what time it is. It's time to get out there and Run This World. Have a great workout and I'll see you next week.

Monday Dec 09, 2019
151 - Olympic Hopeful Nell Rojas' Strength is her Strength
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
I met Nell Rojas the day I interviewed her but I felt like I'd known her for a while. I guess I have by proxy. Her dad, Ric Rojas, is a renowned running coach and a former world class runner himself. He's been coaching athletes for a long time, ever since he informally coached his own high school track team in 1970 when he won the National High School Indoor Mile (yes, he'd be a great guest on the show too). So it's no wonder that he produced not only an incredible athlete, but an even more exceptional person.
Nell is a late-start marathon runner - and it suits her. At 32, she qualified handily for the Olympic Marathon Trials in her first marathon ever. Then she followed it up with a 2:28 win at her second marathon and a top 15 ranking in the US. We all have interesting and often winding paths to the things we were meant to pursue. Nell is no different, but the really intriguing part of her story is that her success and ability to tap into her greatness seem to be happening almost by mistake - or maybe by default! Like there's a grand master plan that she is just stepping into at the exact time she's supposed to.
Even though she's relatively young, she has a very articulate way of sharing the lessons she's learned. You can understand why she is a coach herself, developing her own style - a unique combination of her dad's influence and her own experiences. Today we talk about:
Strength: physical, mental, all of it!
Strength training: Why she has been strength training since middle school & how it sets her apart from her running peers
Being the prodigy of a champion athlete: the role of her dad in her life
Her philosophy: It's not about long miles
She doesn't run doubles!!!
Burnout: what this is and how to get through it
Eating disorders and body image: Moving beyond the disorder into true self love
Reframing the negative & learning to lead with the positive
What it means to be the best you can be
Saying goodbye to ego and how that allows you to find your true courage
For more on Nell:
Coaching: She coaches athletes around the world, not just in Boulder!
Instagram @nell_rojas_running
Facebook @nell.rojas1
And a shoutout to her dad Ric!