Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
130 - Beatie Deutsch is Running on Faith
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Beatie Deutsch is a champion distance runner. Her story is truly amazing. After getting married at 19, and having 4 children, she realized she had lost the natural fitness of her youth and decided to set her sights on a marathon because it would be a big enough goal to keep her motivated. She ran her first marathon surprisingly fast in 3:27. Two years (and her 5th child) later, she won her first marathon in 3:09. Just a year later, in 2019, she surprised everyone by winning the Israel National Marathon Championships in 2:42 the 5th best result of all time for Israeli women.
That’s all amazing, right? Who else wants to PR by 27 minutes? But here’s another cool twist on her story. Beatie is an Orthodox Jew. Her faith anchors her guiding principles, one of which is that she is required to dress modestly. That means covering her body below the knee and through the arms. We all know as athletes that we are often looking for every possible advantage to shave off seconds. This usually includes wearing streamlined clothing, especially at the highest level of elites. One would think that modest clothing would work against that concept.
But here’s the deal on Beatie: she wears long skirts and full length sleeves - and it doesn’t hold her back. In fact, her faith is her advantage. As I write this, she is recovering from her first ever 10k on the track which she finished in 35:15 – the 6th fastest time in history for Israeli women.
Today we talk about all things Beatie including:
Growing up an Orthodox Jew in New Jersey
Heading to Israel after high school to study
How dating works as an Orthodox Jew
How her religion guides her life decisions both big and small
What it means to be an Orthodox Jewish runner: What are the requirements & how do they affect her running?
Why she started running & her early success
What's in the future? Olympics, Ironman & more
One of the reasons I do this podcast is to expand my own world, to learn about other people’s experiences, and how they find joy and fulfillment. Beatie’s world is certainly new to me. I don’t have any close friends who practice orthodox judaism, so some of my questions about her background may come off as nosy, but I was truly just curious, especially about things that relate to human relationships. What I love so much about Beatie is this. Many people would look at her faith as something that probably holds her back from achieving her potential. But she sees it as the reason she is able to find happiness and success. As she so succinctly puts it, “Fear holds us back. Belief moves us forward. What do you have to lose?” Hold that question close my friends. What do you have to lose?
For more on Beatie Deutsch, the first thing to do is get over to Instagram and follow her at @marathonmother as well as her facebook page. She posts frequently with thoughtful insights that I believe are relevant to all of us as we overcome our challenges and pursue our greatest goals. All right that’s it. Time to turn off the pod and turn on your mojo and get out there and run this world. Have a great workout and I’ll see you next week!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
129 - How Leadville 100 Champion Katie Arnold Found her Flow
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Meet ultrarunning superstar (Winner of the 2018 Leadville 100), Outside magazine columnist, mom of two strong girls, and author of “Running Home” the incredible Katie Arnold. The universe works in crazy ways. I happened to tune into a recent Another Mother Runner podcast featuring this really interesting woman named Katie Arnold. I was listening to her story and she mentioned that her crew at Leadville included her Boulder friend Susie. I kept thinking, I wonder if I know Susie, as if I know all the people who are in the Boulder ultrarunning world! I loved the interview and thought “I need to get Katie on my podcast.” When I got home, I had an email from former podcast guest - Episode 93 - Susie Rinehart Chooses Brave Over Perfect. She is launching her first book and asked me to emcee her launch party. In the same email, she said, “I think you should interview my friend Katie Arnold!” And the circle was complete!
Katie and I interviewed in person after a super muddy, annoying run in the Boulder foothills while she was visiting for a couple stops on her book tour. We had a blast and got down and dirty on many topics. I want to warn you that there may be a little hiccup partway through. You see, I outed one of the big mysteries of the book and Katie was giving me the “cut” “don’t go there” sign, so we paused and rejoined. Maybe you’ll notice; maybe you won’t.
Today we talk about:
Running in all its glory: how she started, why she's still going, what it means to her and how it serves the other parts of her life
The Flow of Running: how to BE the thing you do
Anxiety: how she got through it
Dealing with her dad's death
The BOOK "Running Home" - Head over to your local bookstore or grab a copy on Amazon
Running & writing & how they serve each other
And so much more
Katie is a complete Rockstar. Just being around her, makes me feel like I’m in the flow. I love how she says that when you are in the flow, you become the thing you are doing. You are running. You are writing. You are eating. You are breathing. It’s honestly a little too deep for me sometimes so I just sit with the concept and then guess what, while I’m sitting with the concept I become Sitting with the Concept! Yes serious mind blow right there! This episode is just so full of nuggets. I’m anxious to hear what your faves are. Please post and let me know!
For more Katie Arnold:
The Book: Grab a copy of "Running Home" at your local bookseller or on Amazon
In Person: Check out a book tour event
Read: her Outside Magazine column

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
128 - Jennifer Brown is Creating a More Inclusive World
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Jennifer Brown is a crusader. Her life’s mission is to help give a voice to people who have felt marginalized. And she’s doing it in so many ways. From her own personal experience – her openness and vulnerability give so many others comfort and hope. To her community outreach through her podcast, her books and her speaking. And finally on a huge platform, as a consultant to huge fortune 500 companies that know they need to do better, to make change and to become more inclusive.
I met Jen Brown through our friend Erin Weed (episode 114 Erin Weed Digs you). Jen and I were seeking our truths – trying to put a finger on our greater messages and how to get them out into the world in a more powerful way. I have to say that Jen has definitely found her truth. She is leading the tidal wave of diversity and inclusion work that can and is changing the way we view each other in this crazy world. You know what she’s really doing? She’s creating a more loving world.
Today we talk about:
Today's world of Diversity & Inclusion: how do we help others (& ourselves) feel less marginalized
How you can make change to become more inclusive
Using your voice on behalf of others
Businesses have the power to lead: Gillette ad about toxic masculinity
How to be an inclusive leader
How to speak in a way that doesn't offend or exclude people
Covering: What this means and how to avoid it
Compassion Fatigue
And so much more!
Check out Jennifer's Inbound Bold talk about the "iceberg."
Don't miss her TedX Presidio Talk "Finding Your Voice in the Workplace"
I'm sure many of you wish I would do a full marathon session because we could listen to Jennifer all day long! One of my favorite Jen quotes from this episode is, “Let’s not make diversity about the pain Olympics!” We all have a diversity story; and most of us are covering in some way. There is no winning at the pain Olympics. Instead I think the overriding message is that it’s important for us to help elevate each other in our quests for happier, healthier lives. To use our voices not only on our own behalf, but on the behalf of others who we see as being treated unequally. I hope you loved this episode as much as I did.
For more Jennifer Brown:
"The Will To Change Podcast"
Preorder her new book on Amazon called “How to be an Inclusive Leader”

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
127 - Liz Warner is Literally Running This World
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Liz Warner is running 30 Marathons in 30 Countries before she turns 30. If she was 20, this would be a cool and epic endeavor. What makes it way more cool and epic is that she decided to start this effort when she was 28, with just a year and a half to make it happen. Liz had already run 7 or 8 marathons in a diverse range of countries and was at a crossroads in her professional and personal lives. She decided to combine her love for running, travel and helping other cultures by creating a fairly short-term and quite ambitious project she calls Run to Reach. Liz has identified 20 local nonprofits in the final 20 countries to raise awareness and funding for as she runs through them.
When I first learned about Liz, I was like “I wonder which marathon in the US she’s doing.” Then I looked at her list, and there isn’t a marathon in the US. This isn’t about doing the big-name races in countries and communities that already have lots of support. This is about showcasing places in the world that are absolutely stunning but need more support, specifically more women's empowerment programs.
Liz is a beautiful soul who is following her heart to help others. I think you’ll resonate with different parts of her story depending on where you are in your life.
Today we talk about:
Coffee: Of course coffee - most recently a coffee tour in Guatemala after her marathon
Growing up a squash player on the east coast
The draw to see the world: on to Tokyo
The call to live somewhere crazy, outside her comfort zone, as a coping mechanism to escape her life
Letting go of toxic family relationships caused by alcoholism and addiction
Running through the grief of losing her father
Her first race & how long distance running became her calling
Funny race stories
Run to Reach: How the idea to run 30 in 30 before 30 came to be
Giving back: Why this is so important to Liz's mission and how she selected her organizations
There’s something about Liz’s voice that’s just so calming and soothing. Like running 26.2 times 30 is no big deal. It’s just something we do to help make the world a better place – and maybe find some personal growth along the way. I don’t know many people under 30 who are setting the world on fire like Liz. When we are lucky to find them, we need to keep them close, because there just may be a moment when we feel the fire inside and realize – "This is it. This is that thing I’ve been needing."
I have a feeling that some of you may feel a little stirring of excitement right now, as you check out Liz’s list of remaining marathons. How about Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Antarctica, the Seychelles. Seriously! I had to google the Seychelles and how to pronounce it. These places sound magical and if you feel called to do one of these marathons – for any reason - you have a partner in Liz, reach out to her! On that note, you can find liz at – be sure to check out her website and consider donating to her charities. Everything can be found on

Saturday Mar 23, 2019
126 - Dina Griffin - Fuel is Not One Size Fits All
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Dina Griffin, also known as “The Nutrition Mechanic," is a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based out of Boulder, Colorado. She consults with all levels and abilities of endurance athletes nationwide by fine-tuning daily nutrition strategies to optimize health & healthspan, and training and competition strategies for maximum athletic performance. Some of her specialty areas include female athlete health, type 2 diabetes, weight management, and metabolic efficiency training™. She takes pride in treating each athlete with a personalized approach while aiming for a sustainable “food approach” that works within each person’s lifestyle.
Here's the cool thing about Dina. She’s not a student or lab rat who doesn’t really understand what it’s like to be an athlete. Dina is a competitive endurance athlete. She has completed over 10 marathons (including Boston), the Leadville 100 trail run, the Comrades ultra marathon in South Africa, Ironman, and several other triathlon, ultra running and cycling events.
Dina is chock full of knowledge on all sides of the spectrum. What you may find frustrating is that her belief is that there is no formula that works for all, that people have a huge array of different needs based on so many personal factors. What you may find exciting is that you can tap into your personal unique formula through testing and other methods so that you can create your own recipe for success.
Today we cover:
Poop: yep poop. Check out the Bristol stool chart to analyze yours. Regularity is also part of the discussion
Sugar: Different types of sugar used (or abused) as fuel
How to find your optimal formula: blood testing is key
Check out these online labs that can order your blood tests: Econolabs, Directlabs,
What to eat during training & racing
Dina's background: Why she is so passionate about helping others
Racing & training mishaps
This is definitely a fun episode with a lot of information. I love that Dina focuses on laughter – I support this concept 100%! To learn more about Dina, check her out at and follow her on facebook and instagram at @nutritionmechanic

Friday Mar 15, 2019
125 - Ismael Araya "I was going too fast in life"
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Pura Vida! That means pure life. It’s what they say in Costa Rica – a country that has become very special to me. It’s the place I learned a new sport that I hope to continue through the rest of my life - surfing! Today you get to meet a very special person – his name is Ismael Araya. Ish is a surfing legend, a survivor, and today a surf instructor who helps people find happiness, even though he doesn’t have full use of his legs anymore, something you might think is a requirement for a surf instructor!
I asked Ish to explain Pura Vida and he said it’s the answer to everything. It means pure life and it’s possible that Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world because they share pure life with each other all day long. Good morning. Pura vida. Nice wave. Pura vida. My car broke down. Pura vida. This coffee is delicious. Pura vida. My baby won't sleep. Pura vida.
Ish’s story is both heartbreaking and hopeful. He was a young, self-taught surfing prodigy who gained early fame as his surfing career started to take off. But his lack of discipline combined with a lack of support led to unhealthy drug use and an inability to control his anger. Ish didn’t reach the highest echelons in his sport at that time and instead, he floundered and simply survived.
Until one day when he almost didn’t survive. Ish literally died twice under a bus when he went of out control on his motorcycle over 6 years ago. He was revived only to be told he would never walk again. That’s when the Ish I know today was born.
Somehow Ish has been able to not just survive, but to thrive, as a new person in a new body. He has definitely defied the odds in many ways.
Episode Note
We recorded via skype on Colleen Cannon’s laptop in Costa Rica. You’ll hear a few beeps because Colleen is a very popular woman planning and running Women’s Quest retreats around the world. I have to give her some props – she is the reason I met Ish in the first place and my favorite surf buddy. She’s also episode 50 of this podcast called “Colleen Cannon on Chickens, Watermelons & Why Women Will Save the Earth.”
Today we talk about:
How Ish found surfing
His early days on a board
Ish's family life with 22 siblings
How a lack of support led to anger led to drugs
The accident
The prospect of losing his legs entirely
How Ish came back and started walking again
The 2nd accident
How surfing and the ocean helped Ish heal and grow
Ish today: Adaptive surfing advocate, surf instructor & engaged dad
Some people call Ish a surf shaman. I would agree with that. The water, the ocean, surfing, they all take on such a bigger meaning when Ish is involved. Yet he’s still just a person, trying to survive, trying to find happiness each day. As he said, he now works to accept the quiet side of life. My favorite Ish quote, and there are so many, is what he said to me on the board that day in January, “Nicole – you must look where you want to go – or at least where you’re going.” I’d love to know your favorite part of this episode. Please share it with someone else who will benefit from hearing Ish’s story.
For more Ismael Araya:
Instagram @ismael_araya_surf
Surf with Ish - contact him through Santa Teresa Surf School
Watch "The Lion Surfer" documentary
The Lion Surfer - the story of Ismael Araya . By Eye for Eye Productions from Eye for Eye Productions on Vimeo.

Saturday Mar 09, 2019
124 - Fran Dunaway Delivers Freedom through Underwear
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Fran Dunaway is the co-founder of TomboyX – a gender neutral apparel brand that made its name in undies. She describes herself as coming out of the womb a boss, but I would say that Fran is the farthest thing from bossy. She’s gracious, humble, compassionate, thoughtful. She’s also incredibly smart, one of the best strategic thinkers I’ve ever met, incredibly brave and she’s seriously disrupting an industry. She says that when they launched their first women’s boxers, they accidentally stepped into a white space that so desperately needed to be filled. Well, they filled it! And they didn’t stop at boxers either. TomboyX added a full line of underwear from thongs to mid thigh shorts; now they offer bras, sleepwear, sweats, swimwear and more.
Today we uncover some of the core values that drive Fran; the stuff that makes her tick. And like so many others, that secret sauce is rooted in experiences good, bad and ugly. I will say that when we stumbled upon Fran’s journey with eye cancer which floored me, she mentioned that it was 5 years after her breast cancer journey. For some reason during the interview, that statement didn’t hit me. I think I was hung up on the eye cancer journey so I literally didn't absorb that statement. It wasn’t until after I listened to the episode on a hike that I realized, Fran is a two-time cancer survivor. This woman is an absolute gift to the world and she is meant to be here doing exactly what she’s doing.
Episode DEALS!
TomboyX is offering 15% off with the code BLOOM15 – the funny thing is that after the interview she said she meant to say BOOM but it came out as BLOOM which I thought was sort of a play on Bloomers! We had a good laugh about that – so BLOOM15 it is. Go get some skivvies!
Skirt Sports has your back – use code RUN20 for 20% off at Skirt Sports – if we’re doing a big sale, the code won’t work, but other than that, it’s yours to get a deal on our high performance, super comfy, thoughtful women’s products that work for your insanely busy lives. I love this company I've built and hope you’ll check it out because we are doing so much good in the world!
Today we talk about:
TomboyX didn't start with undies - it started with button-ups! (not button-downs)
The power of a name
Coming out: closed doors opening & why some people weren't happy about it
Naomi: Fran's wife & business partner - how they make it work plus their wedding story
Eye cancer came out of nowhere
TomboyX in all its glory: the origin, genesis and where they are today
Gender neutral clothing: How is this possible?
Leadership nuggets
Side note: Do you think Skirt Sports should partner up with TomboyX and make some active undies?

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
123 - Kikkan Randall Made a 10 Year Plan & Won Gold
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Sometimes we choose to do things that push us out of our comfort zones. Sometimes those things happen to us and we have to dig in, embrace the discomfort and use all of our tools to push through. Kikkan Randall has experienced both categories. Kikkan is a lifelong skier. Her family moved to Alaska when she was young so most of her formative years were spent there. She’s a talent. Pure and simple. A natural athlete who gravitated to skiing. She has competed in 5 Olympic games. FIVE! While she raced at the top level in the world for over 15 years, it wasn’t until 2018 when she and her teammate Jessie Diggins won gold in the Team Sprint – the first ever gold medals in that event!
Kikkan’s athletic career alone is something we can all glean knowledge and inspiration from. But the next chapter of her life started three months after her gold medal. She was officially retired when she felt a lump on her breast and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 35 years old. This is the chapter she’s still writing. Through it all, she has used exercise as a tool to help during treatments and guess what? Just for kicks, she jumped into her first endurance race – the 50km Birkie! Like me (racing the 29km Korte), she was also stepping outside of her comfort zone and doing a long distance race for the first time.
Today we talk about:
Alaska: Growing up in eccentric Alaskan culture as a runner and a skier
What it took to become a pro/elite skier
The 10 year plan
Competing at the top level in the world for over 15 years
How she met her husband Jeff Ellis & their evolution as a married couple pursuing athletic dreams - separately and together
Becoming a mom (to now 3 year old Breck)
THE RACE! What it took to win GOLD in PyeongChang 2018
Why teamwork is the key to success
Cancer: how, why & what now
Jumping into the Birkie & exercising through her treatments
What we didn't talk about:
Her non-profit Fast & Female - Kikkan is empowering girls everyday!
Kikkan is a very special person. Since this interview, ESPNW wrote an article about Kikkan and described what they call “the Kikkan Effect.” Here’s how the author Bonnie Ford describes it, “a powerful vortex evident long before her diagnosis. It pulls people toward her and spins them back out, doing things they might otherwise resist. They hear her in their heads: Come on. It'll be fun. We'll be better.”
I think Kikkan is just one of those people who on the outside is like the girl next door, so she’s real and approachable, but on the inside is like a superhero, able to push herself mentally and physically further than most people can ever imagine. But the effect is real. Her Positivity is contagious.
Post-Note: Back to the Birkie for a minute. It’s funny. We texted before and after the start. I told her there was a bet to see who would win – me in the 29k or Kikkan in the 50k. At 2:48, she texted me this sentence, “That was hard.” I wrote back, “I can’t wait to hear about it. But the most awesome thing is that I beat you.” Of course she averaged 3:22 per k for 50k and I averaged 5:13 per k for 29k but a bet’s a bet. So the Kikkan effect has begun!
How to follow Kikkan
Her website
Instagram @kikkanimal
Facebook @kikkanrandall
Fast & Female

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
122 - Rich Roll on the Other Side of the Mic
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Rich Roll is the host of the very popular Rich Roll Podcast which may be what he’s best known for these days. He’s also an author who just released a new edition of his book "Finding Ultra" which chronicles his tumultuous path from awkward kid to national level swimmer. It was during college at Stanford when he started drinking which really became the next chapter in his life even while going to law school and started work as a lawyer. Rich eventually went to rehab and got sober, but he still wasn’t healthy. He finally had a wakeup call the night before he turned 40 and realized that he needed to overhaul the rest of his life. That’s when he became vegan, started exercising and his true potential began to emerge.
This is an awesome episode with an awesome person. Rich is everything you imagine when you hear him interviewing people. Deep, passionate, honest, self deprecating, but also hilarious and real while also somehow being a bit of a romantic. He’s the kind of guy you want to hang out with more often than a one-time skype interview!
Today we cover:
What drives Rich today
Vulnerability: why it's important to embrace
Real life today: navigating his priorities with his wife and kids
Parenting: How his parents gave him tough love and how he envisions his ability to do the same
Sobriety: the foundation for his mental and physical health
"Gratitude is not a natural practice for me. I have to work on it every single day."
Rediscovering his athleticism in his 40s
Aging: the real deal behind 50
Being an "all-in" person
Otillo: behind the scenes story of the race - hilarious 😂
True potential
In the end, here’s my takeaway. Rich Roll truly makes you feel special. That whole philosophy that people don’t really remember what you say but how you make them feel rings true with Rich. So that’s my next goal – hang out with Rich more!
Get more of Rich Roll:
Subscribe to the Rich Roll Podcast
Buy his book Finding Ultra
Follow him on social media @richroll
Go to his PlantPower Retreats

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
121 - Louise Green "The More We See, The More We Can Be"
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Louise Green is a badass. Her passion is to create a more inclusive world. Her work focuses mainly on women (including herself) who are often polarized due to their size. Louise reached out a while ago to work with Skirt Sports on one of the projects she is spearheading within her Big Fit Girl empire. I knew immediately that I needed to learn more about her work, so Louise and I finally had today's incredible conversation which really boils down to this... What it means to find happiness and health no matter what your circumstances are.
Sound note: I want to apologize for the sound quality. It’s not bad but it’s not as good as in-person interviews. Louise sounds a little tinny, like she’s sitting in a metal room or something, so hang in there. The conversation is so good that I’m sure you won’t really notice too much!
Today we talk about:
Big Fit Girl: Louise's business and philosophy
Diet culture: how the entire industry is based on failure
Becoming sober
Changing her life: quitting smoking and starting running!
Fitness Trauma
Why All or Nothing is dangerous
Louise is open and honest about her her journey to health, her struggle with alcoholism, and her quest for self-love. All she truly wants is to help others find happiness. I love when she says, “the more we can see the more we can be.” I loved it so much I named this episode after that quote! It’s all about celebrating each other as we continue to seek our full potential – at all stages of the journey. Because when we have support from positive like-minded people, we will enjoy it so much more.
For more Louise Green
Buy her book "Big Fit Girl"
Train with Louise
Sign up for her newsletter
Watch her TedX Talk
Facebook @louisegreen.bigfitgirl
Instagram @louisegreen_bigfitgirl
New Project: Now you can be a bigger part of the podcast!
I just launched a project to help me improve the podcast, continue to spend time and energy on it, and someday get enough support so I can do all my interviews in person which enhances everyone's experience. It’s called Patreon. Some other well-known podcasts (like my friend Rich Roll who will be my next guest!) also use this service. Basically, if you love and appreciate what I put out on the podcast, you can now back my work with donations at whatever level you feel is appropriate. I didn’t create any tiers; you can decide. Most people are supporting with $5-10/month which is incredible. Please hop over to – when I opened my account, Patreon asked me to describe what I am creating, and off the cuff I wrote "Nicole DeBoom is creating a more positive world." That’s how I hope you feel when you listen to my show. Thank you so much for your support!