Run This World with Nicole DeBoom Podcast

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Mile Repeat 7 - Kriste Peoples Says YES
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
I met Kriste Peoples on location at a Skirt Sports photo shoot a couple years ago. Within five minutes, I was asking her to change outfits, run around and be happy. You know what she said? Yes! Today's Mile Repeat is quite a bit longer than the 8-20 minutes I promised, but we couldn't help it!
More on Kriste & her incredible journey here:
Kriste is a Denver-based writer, producer, speaker, Skirt Sports ambassador, and women's trail running coach in search of the perfect sock. Her work in the field of equity and inclusion in nature combines speaking and facilitating transformational experiences for others. And as founder of Black Women’s Alliance of Denver she extends her passion for connecting underrepresented communities to new, empowering narratives of wellness.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
110 - Flora Duffy is Ready for the Next Big Thing
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
I met Flora Duffy many years ago when she was a hot up and comer on the tri scene. Tim was working with Pearl Izumi at the end of his racing career and Flora was one of the younger sponsored athletes. And it’s funny, because I consistently ran into her at RallySport over the years, but I swear I always had trouble figuring out who she was. Every time I saw her, there was something just a little different. Now I think it’s because I literally watched her transform in slow motion from a pretty great triathlete to the best in the world.
Flora has always been really nice, but when you’re a pro athlete and you’re at the gym, it’s not your social hour, so I never spent much time chatting with her. (Side note: When you’ve been retired from professional racing for 15 years and you’re at the gym, it often IS your social hour! But my point is that I try to respect people who need to get their workouts done because their careers depend on it.) Until a few weeks ago. I was splashing around in the outdoor pool with Wilder not getting a workout in (ha!) and I saw Flora jump into the adult pool with a water belt on. She was water running. This immediately triggered my old memories of water running torture – it was something I only ever did if I was totally injured or nervous about getting injured. In fact, Tim water ran so much for the last 10 years of his career, that I’m traumatized just from watching him do it! So anyway, I made the assumption that Flora may be injured. When she was done, we had our first meaningful conversation ever. She shared that she is in fact injured and it does in fact suck. I commiserated and told her she’s got lots of time and hang in there.
Now, saying all of that is nice but I will tell you that it really doesn’t make a pro feel better! So I reached out and asked if she would come on the show and share more openly what’s going on. Being the most amazing person that she is, Flora agreed. So get ready – it’s not every day that we get to learn life lessons from the best. Especially from someone who is willing to open up and be vulnerable when she's not feeling her best.
Today we talk about:
Growing up a triathlete - in Bermuda
When what you dream of being as a kid is what you actually become
Injuries: they suck
Listening to your body
Finding love through sport: Flora got married to another pro triathlete last year
The next big thing: 2020
Giving back: The Flora Fund handed out its first grants just a few days ago!
This is a great episode with a great person who is going through tough stuff just like we all do sometimes. What I love about Flora is that she got injured - and then started a Foundation to give back. She is not someone who lingers in self-misery, but instead she pulls herself out and sees the bigger picture. On that note, check out the Flora Fund and consider donating to help people who otherwise don’t have a shot at getting out of their current situations to see just what their potential could be in this world. And let’s give a collective cheer for Flora to heal and get back on her path to world domination. All right then, you know what time it is. It’s time to get out there and run this world have a great workout and we’ll see you next week!

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
109 - Kara Burns will Never. Quit. Trying
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Kara Burns has the kind of inner energy that she just can’t contain as she touches on so many raw, personal topics today. If you’ve been a Run This World listener for a long time now, you will remember episode 24 “From Prison to 26.2” where we tackled her story from the bottom up as a former meth addict and felon. I remember trying to figure out how to ask some difficult questions, and I realized there’s no tactful way, so I literally said, “So how does one start doing meth?” Kara was a few years out of federal prison at that point and her calling was just becoming evident.
Today we have an entirely different kind of conversation. Today’s podcast is all about being unwilling to fail. It’s all about taking a past full of shame and guilt and turning it into the most beautiful, authentic message of hope and love. Today Kara is all about going FORWARD and she’s taking so many others with her. Her story gives people hope that they CAN change their lives. They CAN start over. They CAN make good decisions. They CAN be happy. Kara inspires me and I know she will inspire you too. Please note, there are a few swear words and some sexual innuendos in this episode – in case little ears are listening.
Today we talk about:
Kara's relationship with her daughter today
We weren't going to dig into her past life of drugs and prison, but we did anyway :)
Head trash: the stories we tell ourselves
Addiction: how important it is to know your triggers
Making new associations: Dress for Success and Running Start
Mentors: Creating your network
Giving back: ReStart is helping others just like her
Be unwilling to fail.
This is Kara's 3rd appearance on the podcast and it is nothing short of spectacular. Kara is truly as dynamic as she sounds. This conversation is 100% authentic, just like she says. There is huge laughter, moments of awkward silence, and tearful, raw emotion as Kara grasps for what she feels compelled to convey. You feel like you’re in the room with her even through the airwaves and I believe that is the sign of someone who transcends. Kara is more than her past. She is more than whatever she will do in the future. She is like an authentic magical being who brings light and happiness to people. Okay the love fest is obviously full-on, from me and probably you too. If you want to connect with Kara, hit her up on Instagram at never.quit.trying – reach out to her for anything. I know! Hit her up to mentor you! Okay I’ll leave you all on a big huge high. Let’s get ourselves out there, let’s make Kara Burns proud and let’s go run this world! Have a great workout and I’ll see you next week!

Sunday Sep 23, 2018
108 - Beth Shields Finally Made Herself a Non Negotiable Priority
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Beth Shields woke up one day and realized that she needed to commit to herself or she would not be here much longer. She hit send on the Running Start application and showed up to the first meeting – barely. We often say showing up is the hardest part. I’m not sure I fully subscribe to that philosophy. I believe it’s important. It’s the first step. But you need to keep going. You need to shift your mindset, tell yourself that you CAN do it, and then you need to follow through – again and again and again.
Today Beth Shields is just a year from her first 5k. She has a special magic quality about her. She is so much more of an inspiration for other women than she will ever let herself take credit for. Her journey is far from over; it takes time, determination and constant reminders that self-love must win. But she has momentum on her side. And it’s affecting not only her personal life but also her career. Beth has become the biggest single sponsor that Running Start has ever had in her commitment to give back to a program that helped change the trajectory of her life in such a positive way. So let me say that if you are looking to buy or sell a house in Colorado, call Beth because she is giving Running Start $500 for every closing so other women can find the courage to change their lives too.
Today we talk about:
Making the decision to change your life
The shame and guilt that follow in the wake of sexual assault
Having babies and losing your identity along the way
Why judging others sucks #stopthejudging
The importance of support: husbands, families, community
Raising healthy kids who feel comfortable communicating openly with their parents. The magic pill? Spend time with them.
Real life vs "your social media highlight reel"
Running Start: How one program can truly change the trajectory of your life
Giving back: Beth is the biggest sponsor to date of Running Start - donating $500 per real estate closing through ReMAX Nexus!
Beth Shields is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever known. I could never have predicted when I met her that one day I would be interviewing her for my podcast and that she would be helping so many others who don’t believe that they can change their lives. Her message to you is this: You CAN change your life. It starts with believing in yourself. To reach Beth, you can find her on Facebook and Instagram. If you reach out, she will be there for you. And let’s commit right now to #stopthejudging - I love this new slogan. Did you hear what she said about her husband? He’s her best friend because he never judges her, no matter what is going through her head. This is when the magic happens. When we can create a world of no judgment, where we love and support each other’s journeys. And finally, don’t forget about Beth if you are moving here – if you work with her, you help other women who so deeply need support.
I will leave you with this thought from Beth. You need to become your own non negotiable priority. You are valuable and you are worth it. Now let's get out there and Run This World!

Monday Sep 17, 2018
107 - Alex Hanifin Makes Me Actually Want to Drink Instant Coffee
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
I had you at coffee, didn't I? Something about coffee taps into a universal language for so many of us hard-chargers who reach for a caffeine kick instead of considering that we may just need to back off and recharge sometimes.
Alex Hanifin is no stranger to the concept of hard-charging. She is scrappy. She is smart. She is accomplished well beyond her years. She is the 28 year old founder of a company that is changing the world. The world of coffee. You’ll get the sense immediately that I know Alex. I do. I met her through a CEO group I participate in and immediately sensed that I was in the presence of someone who was meant to do big things. Alex started her first real business in high school. She didn’t go to college, but it wasn’t because she wasn’t smart or driven. She is in fact one of the smartest and most driven women I know. She just struggled in school and that environment stifled her instead of helping her grow. So she trusted her gut and her heart to lead her down her path to happiness.
Today we talk about:
The importance of health: "If you're not healthy, your business is not healthy"
How what our parents say and do matters
Her unique path to entrepreneurship
Starting a business in high school
Talking your way into a job when you have no idea what you're doing!
Listening to your gut
Alpine Start coffee: How much love and care goes into her business
And more
Happiness is a brand that is kicking serious ass and completely blowing open a really old, crotchety category – instant coffee. It's called Alpine Start and is making the most delicious, high quality coffee – it’s just such a great surprise when you have your first sip. Instant coffee doesn’t have to suck! Alex is offering you 50% off online at Use code skirtsports. Definitely try their original Instant Coffee, the new dirty chai latte or coconut creamer latte – so good. If you are a supporter of women-led business ventures, forward this one. And if you want to actually SEE Alex in person, check out the Skirt Sports website. I talked her into modeling this season. She has such incredible energy I wanted to capture it! All right then, let’s chug some more coffee and get out and move your body because you know what time it is. It’s time to get out and run this world! Have a great workout and I’ll see you next week!

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Mile Repeat 6 - Dana Schweitzer on Living after Heartbreaking Loss
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
This is a beautiful episode from Dana Schweitzer. I asked her to write her bio. These are her words. This episode went live on the 10th anniversary of Lakin's death.
I am a mom of two beautiful girls, one who I get to watch grow up here in earth and one who watches me from heaven. We lost our youngest daughter Lakin to Myocarditis (a viral infection of the heat). She passed away suddenly on September 10, 2008. If she were still here with us she would be 10 years old. I started running about a year and a half after she passed away as I needed a healthy outlet. I started running using the couch potato to 5k running one minute at a time. I ran my first half marathon in 2009, since then I have completed four full marathons, and nine half marathons. My next race will be the Bismarck Half Marathon which was my first half and full marathon. The race will be on Saturday September 15th.
I am never afraid to share our loss with others in hopes of helping someone feel less alone. I also facilitate the Infant Loss Support Group in Bismarck.
My husband and I have been married for 15 years and I work for the State of North Dakota.

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
106 - Jill Angie is Not Your Average Runner
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Meet the ultimate champion of women, Jill Angie, aka Not Your Average Runner. As implied she is absolutely NOT average in any way, shape or form. First, she’s a self-described fat runner who started running in her late 20s because she believed being thin was the secret to the universe and the path to happiness. What she found after many stops and starts is that the REAL secret to the universe is to understand that the only thing we have control over is our brains and the choices we make. Including the choice to be happy. Jill and I traveled in concentric circles for many years. We came to the worlds of health and fitness in very different ways, but our end-goals are the same. We want to help women find happiness! And men too because when women are happy, let’s face it, men benefit too! When Jill and I finally connected on the phone, it was like a match made in heaven. I felt so special until I realized something. Jill is the kind of human being who makes every single person she comes into contact with feel special. So I felt even more special to have the opportunity to spend an hour with her. This episode is a dual play – we both have podcasts, so we’re both publishing it. Be sure to check out Jill’s other episodes at Not Your Average Runner Podcast. Did I mention she’s also a life coach, so there is a lot to learn from her!
Before we start, I have two quick updates. The first is to make sure you get over to and use the code RTWPODCAST15 for 15% off the best women’s activewear ever in history! We’re going on our 14th bday soon, so lots of energy and excitement in my world!
Finally, Jill and I are doing a GIVEAWAY! We’re giving away a Skirt Sports product of your choice AND Jill’s first two books plus a Not Your Average Runner swag bag. Now listen up: Here’s what you have to do. Write a review for both of our podcasts on iTunes. You have to literally go to the itunes app and search our podcasts. When they come up, you’ll see the link to review. But you have to search them first. It’s kind of annoying, but that’s the only way I could figure it out! You can also submit your reviews on Stitcher for non iphone listeners. We'll start tracking new reviews after Sept 3rd to be eligible. If you already wrote a review (cuz you’re awesome), then share the episode on IG and tag us. We’ll look in all of those places to pick a random winner on or around Sept 30th!
Today we talk about:
Our journeys to health and fitness
The REAL secret to the universe
Inner Mean Girls
Founding principles
Being married to athletes on their own quests while we're on ours
Skirt Sports genesis
Willing it to happen
Getting 1 MILLION MORE women running
This is one of my favorite episodes. Jill is literally one of my new favorite people who I feel like I’ve known forever and now want to hang with forever. It was also fun sharing some of my key life moments that have been catalysts for change or self-discovery. I hope you found inspiration, joy and even some new ideas on how to tackle life’s challenges. If you are not yet a runner and want to become one, then reach out to Jill, join her community and become one of her 1 Million MORE women running! And at the end of the day, no matter where you are, remember this. You have the power to Choose your thoughts, so choose them wisely! Thanks Jill! Now you know what time it is. It’s time to get out there and Run This World! Have a great workout and I’ll see you next week!

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
105 - Emma Coburn Just Blew My Mind
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Emma Coburn is delightful. Yes I said delightful. I never call anything delightful. I don’t think of myself as someone who calls things delightful. One of my friends, Jillian Lakritz, founder of Yoee Baby and a previous guest on the podcast, once said, “Wilder was delightful” when she was there for a play date. And it sounded totally natural and I thought I wonder if I’ll ever call anything delightful. Well guess what? Emma Coburn is delightful – pure and simple. She is fundamentally grounded. She admits her flaws and faults and takes ownership and responsibility for them. The flaws make her human and the ownership of them make her likable and relatable. She is clearly a superstar, like a physical specimen of a human being that in my opinion was created to excel in physical activity. But there's so much more than meets the eye.
Yes, Emma is drop dead gorgeous. Her body is a beautiful, finely-tuned machine that she treats with love, care and constant attention which she should because it’s the vehicle by which she makes her living. But at the end of the day what is really cool about her is that she has perspective. So many athletes are caught up in the grind when they’re chasing their dreams. They are emotional, easily demoralized and completely consumed by what they are doing, often sacrificing other things that are critically important. They just can’t see it at the time. Not Emma. She is definitely consumed, but she also sees and respects that world around her, it’s not all about Emma all the time.
She has remained solid, grounded and yes delightful, even though she has been racing on the international pro circuit since she was 21 years old, has won countless races, an Olympic bronze in 2016 (the first American to medal in steeplechase), and she followed that by becoming the first American to ever win the world championship.
I think part of this may be due to her upbringing in both Boulder and Crested Butte. If you think Boulder is a bubble, Crested Butte is undoubtedly even more so. Emma believes so much in what Crested Butte has to offer that she launched the Elk Run 5k to help promote the town and give back to Living Journeys, the local nonprofit that helps so many families deal with cancer. It’s Sept 29th this year – the race itself sounds amazing, but it’s truly about the experience. I highly recommend you get out there – make it a girls weekend!
We recorded in the Skirt Sports store after-hours so for a little inspiration, be sure to use the code RTWPODCAST15 for 15% off too!
Today we talk about the above and much more:
Steeplechase: What the heck is this crazy event
Being married to your coach
Winning World Champs & then getting beat
Raising the bar
Growing up in a small mountain town: Crested Butte Rocks!
Gaining weight in the off-season
Elk Run 5k - be there or be square - Emma will be picking up trash and setting up cones!
Surrounding yourself by the right people
If you have a chance, pop over to my Youtube channel to see this episode on video! Yes, I’m playing around with that format too. There are always some funny little quirks you can’t catch on the audio version.
Finally and very importantly, we’re sending Emma off to kick ass at her biggest race of the year! Follow her on IG and FB – I say we send her a message or post on her page. One thing that you loved about this interview. Do it! It will give her even more confidence and joy that she is surrounding herself by people who have her back; people who really care. Because after all, that’s what makes this life truly special.
All photos courtesy of Emma Coburn's Instagram feed!

Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Emily Harvey's leg was amputated when she was 2 because she had a condition called fibular hemimelia, which means she was missing her fibula bone and her left leg was substantially shorter than her right. She grew up not really knowing any different, and even asked her grandma at some point when she got her first prosthesis because Emily had it in her head that everyone wore a prosthesis (for the record, her grandma does not wear a prosthesis). She played t-ball & volleyball, rode bikes, climbed trees (much to her dad’s dismay), and did pretty much everything else her friends were doing.
Emily started riding horses when she was about 9 years old, quickly got into 3-day eventing, and eventually rode on her college dressage team. She didn’t ride much after college, but she started competing in triathlons in 2014 and discovered this to be a new passion. She started with sprint distance triathlons and completed her first Half Ironman in June of 2016. Shortly after that event, Emily was episode 37 of this podcast and shared her story in depth. She also mentioned that she just may tackle an Ironman someday. That day came in June 2018 as Emily became an "Ironman" with 48 seconds to spare at the relentlessly hot Boulder Ironman.
In addition to her athletic pursuits, she is also a disability rights attorney at a nonprofit called Disability Law Colorado, co-founder and President of LIM359 – an activities-based support group for people with limb loss/different, an ambassador captain for Skirt Sports and their #realwomenmove campaign, and a member of TeamMPI.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
104 - Sandi Nypaver has the Power to Control her own Happiness
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Sandi Nypaver is an accomplished ultrarunner. She did her first 100 miler at 21 years old and has been on a running journey through life ever since. She recently qualified for the USA's Long Distance Trail Running Worlds team and was injured just days before the race. Most people (including a younger version of Sandi) would be demoralized and have trouble shaking that experience. But when I asked today’s Sandi how she feels about it, she said, “It’s all better…actually I think I’m now running better now (more efficiently) because it happened.”
But Sandi didn’t always see the world in a positive way. Her journey to love and acceptance started young and is admittedly ongoing, but the strides she’s taken to pull herself away from self-hate and into self-love are worth sharing for anyone else who believes you are not valuable.
Today we talk about:
Finding a place of peace in life - the long winding path to self-love
What we say matters: How words from others formed her self-image as a young girl
The identical twin experience
Exercise addiction
Social anxiety
Cutting to numb the pain
How to change your self-image from hatred to love
Volunteering gives people purpose
Connecting the dots: Each experience leads to greater understanding of yourself
Sage: How her boyfriend helps her look at the world in a more positive way
This is such a great episode: it's raw and filled with deep emotions yet hopeful that change can happen. Please take a moment to share this episode with someone who needs it, because at the end of the day, we're all in this together.
Be sure to follow and connect with Sandi:
Sage Running: If you need a coach, look no further!
Facebook: @sandi.nypaver
Instagram: @sandinypaver
Youtube: Vo2Max Productions
Sage Running Podcast
All right then you know what time it is, it's time to get out there and run this world. Have a great workout and we'll see you next week!